Thursday, August 21, 2008


I just finished a delectable repast in the form of the Sawf Salad from Sam & Zoe's. While this wasn't my first venture to this delightful eatery in Berry Hill, it was my first experience with this delicious salad.

The Sawf Salad is a mix of greens, including yummy spinach, chopped walnuts, feta cheese, and slices of strawberries and avocados. I opted to add grilled chicken and topped it off with raspberry vinaigrette dressing, my favorite!

Sam & Zoe's is sandwiched between Heather Place and Thompson Lane. It is behind Baja Burrito and across from 100 Oaks Mess (excuse me, I mean Mall). In addition to delicious salads they offer a variety of scrumptious sandwiches, coffee, and fruit teas, including Apple Berry tea - delish!

As this is a small establishment I would recommend visiting during off-peak hours. And if the weather is nice you should eat on the front porch. There isn't much of a view but it's always fun to eat on a porch and you can sit and read when you are finished.

The only drawback, and it can be a biggie, is parking. The parking lot is microscopic and the lanes in and out are difficult to maneuver at best, giving cause to the recommendation to go at odd hours.

If you do visit Sam & Zoe's be sure to pop around the corner to visit one of my other favorite Berry Hill establishments, The Beaded Bungalow on Bransford Ave. I get all tingly just thinking about all the pretties inside that little cottage. Oh happy thoughts.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Natural State

I'm back from a week at home. It's rare that I get to go home for an entire week. To be honest I was a little worried about spending that much time under one roof with my dad. You see Daddy and I are usually good for about 5, maybe 6, days before we get "reerhr" (think angry cat noise) with each other. As much as we love each other there is something about the two of us living in the same house that eventually gets itchy and irritating. You all know what I mean by this!

To make things even more interesting, Daddy was sick the entire time I was home. He had bronchitis and sinusitis. As most of you know that combo is my nemesis. It's as if those two infections are tandem partners. Partners that I've entertained twice this year, so imagine my concern when I heard the diagnosis. All week long I kept telling Daddy, “Don’t touch me!”

We knew Daddy was in bad shape when he got up Thursday morning and asked mom to call his boss and the doctor. Mom and I just stared at each other. Honestly, I can't remember Daddy missing work to go to the doctor. It has happened, but it's so rare I can't recall any instances. He usually waits until his day off. He even let Mama drive him to the doctor!

Well he had several days off per the doctor's orders. That meant that we spent more time together than usual, and may I just tell you that we were great together. There was a little hissing on my last day, but we did quite well. Silver medal worthy I'd say. The best part is that Daddy is much better and back at work.

I left Nashville at 3:00 AM Thursday morning and, thanks to rain, arrived at Mom and Dad's at 10:00. After eating breakfast I took an hour nap then showered and waited for Mary and the kids to pick me up. We collected Matthew and Jake and went to Wild River Country.

We had loads of fun at WRC. A storm had passed and lowered the temperature making for a nice day. The storm also attributed to a light attendance at the park which made for no waiting for slides! It was fun hanging out with Sis and my kiddos.

On Friday I met Devin for lunch. Devin was my BEST friend from 6th - 12th grades. I hadn't talked with her in about 10 years, and it was delightful spending time with her. I have to that she looks GREAT! The years have been kind to my sweet friend.

(I hate my hair color in this photo. My hair really isn't red.)

It was such a joy to catch up on each other's lives. We were so happy to reconnect and vowed to stay connected. This, I know, will happen. I know I want to have Devin in my life from now on. After all, she was one of the two most important friends I had growing up. She is dear to me and I can't wait to redevelop this friendship.

After lunch with Devin I went to Chris and Stacey's house to hang out. We didn't do anything but talk and watch the opening ceremony for the Olympics. Stacey apologized for the boring evening, but I informed her that I wasn't looking to be entertained. It was fun just spending time with old friends. The Eley's are another example of rekindled friendships that I treasure.

The rest of the week was filled with hanging pictures, making teacup planters, and painting and hanging a plate holder for Mom. The teacup planters were made by gluing a cup to its saucer. Then you glue a 1/2" copper pipe cap to the bottom of the saucer enabling the planter to sit on top of a copper pipe in your flower bed. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of this cute little craft. Maybe I'll take a snap on my next trip home.

I also hung a decorative iron piece by the front door. It is a cream colored square with scrolling curves inside and made for a beautiful contrast against the brick.

Another great thing I got to do on my trip was take pictures of all my kids. Well not all. I didn't get any pictures of Jake. If I had known I would only see him once during the week you can bet there would have been a camera in his face.

Here are a few of my favorites.

Several years ago I took pictures of the kids in the apple tree in their yard. Chris remembered this and headed to the tree when I got the camera out. I loved going back to that "venue." The tree seems so much smaller now, but the shots are still great.

Caitie is such a beautiful young lady, and look at those stunning eyes she got from her mother.

What a doll face!

The Sun was a little bright for Matthew but he was such a good sport getting his picture taken. I love this shot.

Matt and I were on top of the fence around Mom and Dad's neighborhood. One of their neighbors came out and told us to get down off the fence before the police were called. I'm still rolling my eyes.

Matthew in front of Mimi & PaPaw's house.

The only things I didn't get to do while home were go swimming with Matthew and get a watermelon. The weather didn't cooperate for swimming, but we had a blast running Matt's errands and back-to-school shoe shopping.

The watermelon was a disappointment. I was supposed to go on a short trip with Mama Daddy to buy a couple of watermelons. However Daddy didn't feel like leaving the house. I couldn't blame him, nor did I want to be cooped up in a car full of cooties. Mom and I said we would get some melons locally but we never got around to it. That was a bummer. Oh well... next year.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home = Heart

I'm going home for a much needed visit. I can't wait to see my family. It hasn't been that long but I'm ready for a fix. I told some friends that I realized that in the last five months I've seen Haiti twice but my family only once. It's time.

While I'm home I am going to make necklaces with Caitie, go swimming with Matthew, and spend an afternoon with my sis and all the kids at Wild River Country. There are also plans to go shopping with my Mom at all our favorite spots as well as spend a day with Mom & Dad (we are going to get a watermelon - an Arkansas watermelon - yum!).

I am also going to see my sweet college friend Stacey, and Devin my best friend from high school. I just found Devin's phone number on the internet and called her last night. What a treat to hear that sweet voice on the phone. I can't wait to sit and catch up with her in person.

And who knows what else I can cram into six days at home. I'll let you know when I get back.

Finally, a couple of pictures from this morning. Bye, for now, my friends.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Simply Delightful

I feel delightful. Beautifully, refreshingly delightful. I am down right peachy, and I feel this way despite several things going on in my life.

God is speaking to me. And I am hearing Him! That alone is cause for my delight. However, He has decided to heap peace on me in the midst of disturbance, bringing about further delight.

I've been praying for God to reposition my life, and I can see it coming. What I didn't expect was the repositioning of others in my life. While I am saddened by some of the changes, I am also excited to see His hand in motion. I am excited to see that He is including me in this whirlwind of change. Change is good, but it can be painful as well. I trust God, and I'm banking on the joy to outweigh the discomfort. And that, my dear friends, delights my soul.

Delight makes it easy to put all your eggs in God's basket. Delight makes it easy to overlook all the tiny injustices we experience each day. When others see the delight it is bound to have an effect on their lives.

The word delight is mentioned in the Bible many times (depending on the translation). These are the numbers of times I found delight listed on;

NASB - 103
NLT - 73
KJV - 82
NIV - 107
HCSB - 98

The point is that God has a lot to say about delight. Many times we are reminded to delight in the Lord. We are also told to find delight in one another. However, I am most encouraged with God's delight in me. Zephaniah 3:17 and Psalm 18:19 tell us that God delights in us. And in Deuteronomy 30:9 God tells us that He delights in our prosperity! Wow! How's that for encouraging?

I'd love to tell you all the ways God has encouraged me in the last week, but it would take too long. I will share with you a couple of ways He has loved on me.

One day last week, within a 24 hour period, I had five friends tell me the EXACT same thing about an issue I've been praying over. These friends are spread over three states and none of them know each other. The nutshell version is that they told me to trust God because His plans are bigger than my own. My Bible study that day was also about trusting God because His plans are bigger than my own. Wow, wow, and WOW!

I was delighted by this when I walked out my front door this morning.

Also, God has given me a lot of laughter lately. I have mentioned several times how I like to laugh and being able to laugh in difficult times is a sweet gift.

Saturday night I sat and laughed with my friend Stacy until I could no longer breathe. And no, that isn't an exaggeration as most of you know. Apparently I have a problem (most people call it asthma) that causes me to get extremely congested when I laugh hard. If I laugh really hard I completely hyperventilate - and get congested. My friends are used to it, but it freaks out people who haven't witnessed it before.

Then today I was reading another friend's blog and actually fell out of my chair from laughter. I landed in a squatting position next to my desk. Who knew a dead cat could be so stinking hilarious. Actually, it was outlandishly disgusting and funny. I wheezed for an hour after I read the blog.

I just realized that I wrote that I am thankful for a dead cat and attributed it to God's delight for me. That alone is enough to bring about an eruption of giggles.

Oh God I love you so much. I trust you Lord. I'm excited for what You have in store for my friends and me.