Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jeremiah 29:13

A little promise from God.

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

And the Winners Are...

(Scroll down to find tutorial.)

Thanks for the positive feedback here on the blog, on facebook, and Pinterest. You guys rock. I will definitely host another giveaway in the future.

Winners of an owl key chain are:

Throu The Haze

I will contact each of you for mailing addresses. Look for your happy to arrive sometime next week. Enjoy!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Owl Key Chain Tutorial Giveaway

In the last couple of weeks, several friends and readers have been faithful to share my blog posts. You guys have also been busy pinning and re-pinning my tutorials and ideas on Pinterest. 

Thank you!

And to show my appreciation, I've come up with another tutorial that I think is super cute and super fun. The really fun part is that this tutorial comes with a giveaway. Scroll down for step by step instructions for an adorable owl key chain, and if you leave a comment I will put your name in a hat for a drawing to receive one of the cute little creations. I will be giving away five key chains on Saturday (7/28) at noon. I know it isn't a huge jackpot, but it's my first giveaway, and you have to start somewhere. If I get a good response, I may have to keep doing this with the prizes getting better each time. 

Fold a sticky note in half and draw half the owl shape. Fold over and press the design into the other side for
 symmetry then cut out.

Trace the sticky note pattern onto your fabric with a pencil,
 and pin pieces together.

Make a loop for the key ring and pin between the owl's ears. Make sure the loop end is on the inside of the owl's body.

Now here's a trick to make this easier than normal. SEW FIRST & CUT OUT SECOND. I know this goes against traditional sewing rules, but it is much easier to handle a larger scrap of fabric than it is a tiny cutout. Besides, I don't really know how to sew, so I can break as many rules as I want! 
And don't forget to leave an opening at the bottom big enough to stuff with fiber fill.

After you cut out your owl you can cover your edges with Fray Check if you wish. I would recommend putting it on the cut ribbon at the least. You can find Fray Check at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn. (Please forgive the horrendous picture quality.)

Stuff with fiber fill and sew up the little owl bottom.

Sew on button eyes and attach to a split ring and you're done! Easy schmeasy.
You can also stack buttons like I did on the black owl.

Get creative and have fun!

And don't forget to leave a comment if you would like to receive one of the cute owls in the large picture. The names and owls will be chosen at random and announced on the blog on Saturday. (If you leave an anonymous comment, please put your name in your comment, so I can include you in the drawing.)

- tauna marie

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Monday, July 23, 2012

focused on Glory (painted sky)

This is last night's sunset.
I know the verse is a repeat, but repetition is good 
for remembering. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Eggselent Cooking Tip

Breakfast was a little late for me today, so I skipped lunch and ended up ravenous by 3:00. At the time, I was searching for something on Pinterest and I saw this picture.

This picture quality is so much better than mine. Ugh!

My first thought was, "Ah, that's cute," followed by, "Dang! I'm hungry." I went to the kitchen to find something small to hold me over until dinner time. An egg sandwich sounded delicious- I wonder why?

As I got the eggs out of Matilda Maytag (yes, I named the fridge), I decided that I only wanted one egg, but one egg wasn't enough for two slices of bread. The easy solution would be to cut one piece of bread in half, but what's the fun in that? I wanted a small, cute sandwich, but I didn't have one of those fancy egg shaper thingies. No problem. I'd improvise. 

The solution? A jar ring. 

In order for this to work you must coat it with a non-stick spray. Then place it on the skillet and let it warm up as the 
skillet warms. The hot jar ring 
will help cook the sides of the egg.

The bottom of the skillet looks so greasy because it's cast iron, and I had to use a lot of non-stick spray. Don't forget to add your salt and pepper as it's cooking. I completely forgot that step. (Between the funky stove 
lighting and my P&S the ring looks gold.)

I'm not a fan of extra bread hang-over, so I cut the bread to the size of my egg. I used the same ring and cut around the sides then gave the bread a light toasting. You could use the ring to cut through the bread, but then you would have pinched edges.  (I just adore this cute, vintage plate. I thought it deserved more of a staring role in this post, 
but don't worry, I didn't cut the bread on it.)

A fried egg sandwich and a jar of sweet tea. 
It was a perfect snack. 

Sometimes I dress up an egg sandwich with a little lettuce and a thin slice of tomato. Today it was plain but still delicious. How do you like your egg sandwich?

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Super Glue and a Pickle Jar Too

NOTE: Be sure to click on my other tutorials under the crafty tab.

It's time for another fun tutorial. This is a super easy, super cute, super fun craft. (Are you getting that I think it's SUPER?) You can find this idea all over Pinterest. In fact, that's what prompted me to do this. I had done a variation of this project a long time back. Then I ran across this on Pinterest, and I had to give it a go, but with my own flare. 

Are you wondering what it is yet, or have you already scrolled through the pictures to cheat? If you haven't peeked, I'll tell you. It's a pedestal candy jar, and yes I used super glue and a pickle jar too. 

Here are the items I used:

~ black spray paint
~ 2 washers (different sizes)
~ pickle jar with lid
~ a finial
~ super glue
~ "Glass Metal and More" by Beacon 
   (Michael's calls it Mosaic Glue) 
~ metal candle holder 
   (any candle holder with some weight to it will do)

The first thing you want to do is make sure the jar is spiffy clean. Wash the lid for the jar well if it held something stinky like pickles or salsa. I ran mine through the dishwasher many times, then I filled it with baking soda and let it sit on a shelf for about a week. If it's still smelly, replace the baking soda and leave it for a few more days. In the mean time you can get started on the steps below.

Spray paint the candle holder. I used a spray paint with a built-in primer, let it dry then turned it over and around for several more passes. Make sure to get it from all angles.  

Next I super glued the washers to the lid. You can measure to find the center, but I just eye-balled it. I added the washers to add more dimension to the lid.

Then I added a great finial. A friend gave me a box of assorted finials, and I've found one use for them! You can find finials at a home improvement stores. Another idea is to use a cute knob drawer pull (Hobby Lobby has several options). See how the washers help give the finial a little extra umph.

Let the super glue dry for about an hour and spray paint. Be sure to turn it over and get the bottom lip of the lid, and don't forget to cover up the inside of the lid to keep it paint free!

Now for the fun part. I centered the jar onto the candle holder and glued it with Beacon's Glass Metal and More. Let the adhesive set-up and "cure" for several days before you use the dish. I left it for a week. 

The last thing to do is to fill it with yummy, 
delicious goodness and enjoy! 

It seems fitting to put chocolate, especially dark chocolate, on a pedestal. This particular jar went to my sweet friend Andrea. It fulfilled my end of the bargain to exchange homemade gifts this year. Now it's her turn!

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

focused on Glory (the simple answer)

I know that my faith is sometimes looked upon as silly, weak, and for the simple minded. Well I can be silly, and I can be weak, and if believing that nothing of this world happened by accident- that there must be a creator behind it all- makes me simple minded, then I'm that too. 

Sometimes we like to complicate things when the best, most trustworthy answer is the simplest. There is no way I, or anyone, was created by cosmic accident. Every where I look there is evidence that this world was designed. The odds that all of this happened as a result of a chain of events are astronomical. I think you have to work harder to believe that theory than to believe the truth. The verification of God's glory is everywhere.

... "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the  whole earth is full of his glory."
Isaiah 6:3

Here are examples of two things I do no believe are accidents. In fact, I am amazed at the creativity (and I love anything creative) involved with coming up with thousands of species of watermelons and mushrooms. 

As a bonus, there are links to recipes at the bottom of today's post. Enjoy.

Watermelon is a favorite of mine!

Don't you love the crack in this old bowl? I do.

These little guys were growing in the front yard. I think they are adorable, and I'm big fan of the ones you can eat.

Here are the recipes. The mushroom page has instructions for 30 dishes. Just click on the thumbnails to take you to a specific one. Enjoy!

As always, I want to shout out to Jennifer's blog Ponderings of an Exect Exile. You might enjoy her simple minded faith as well.

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My mama has a sweet southern accent. She doesn't always include her L's and R's. Her words don't have any sharp edges, but rather they are rounded off and easily dropped off her tongue and gently floated to your ears. If you combine that with her tendency to make up words, you will have delightful conversations with an adorable, little, funny woman. 

Last night she was telling me about something that was quite confining, and she said, "Wouldn't that make you feel claustahphobic?"

I was grinning as I replied, "Mom, there's no such word as claus-tah-phobic." 

Without blinking, she nodded with a huge smile and said, "I know, but wouldn't it make you feel that way?"

Oh my she makes me smile!

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What's Hiding in Your Closet?

Look what I found hiding on the floor at the back of my mom's pantry. I thought it deserved a place of honor on the window sill with the other plants. Froggy seems happy with the company.

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!  

Monday, July 9, 2012

focused on Glory (through the rain)

focused on Glory is a weekly (or almost weekly) post on creative confetti 
and Ponderings of an Elect Exile
Each post features a photo from that week 
that reminds us of God's glory.

After weeks of drought, it finally rained. It was little more than a long sprinkle, and all it did was wash the dust off the landscape, but I'll take it. Thank you Lord. Please send more.

Rain drops in the old birdbath. 

I will try to post another foG post later in the week to catch up. In the meantime, check out Jennifer's BLOG. She always has something interesting, touching, inspiring, or funny to pass on, and don't miss her past foG posts either.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

FUN New Blog Tool

I'm calling out to all four of my readers. I want to see if I can generate more traffic to my blog. Let's face it. We all think there's something special about our blogs, or we wouldn't be putting "it" out there.

Here's how you can help. See that mysterious, green icon in the bottom left corner of your screen? Hover over it.

Yep! I want you to share, share, share! Surely there is at least one post of mine that you wouldn't mind sharing somewhere, and I will gladly return the favor! I'll even tell you how to get your own animated bookmark widget if you'd like. Using the widget shares the entire site. You can also share individual posts too.

So take a look, and see what you can share, and I'll do the same for you. Let's promote each other!

Thanks mi amigas (and amigos if there are any dudes reading CC)!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stuck in the Backseat

I’m short.

I’m short, and I don’t get carsick. So guess who always sits in the backseat when there are more than two people in a car. 

I’m pretty used to it, and I don’t mind too much. It’s better than someone getting sick behind me because they can’t see through the front window. And I can’t bring myself to make an un-nauseated, tall person fold their legs up to their nose so I can ride shotgun.

None of this matters if I’m driving, but my car isn’t large, so I’m usually not the pilot. I’m a single gal and haven’t ever up-sized my vehicle. Being single also reserves other special seating. My “sit-at-the-kid’s-table” and “ride-in-the-backseat” identity is par for the course, but it’s not all bad. Let’s face it, we ALL want to sit at the kid’s table if we’re honest, but sometimes I’d like to ride in the front seat.

It would be nice to stretch out my non-long legs too. Sure I’m more comfortable in the back than a tall person, or anyone of average height, but I’d like to unbend too. And don’t get me started on conversations. Even though it’s never intentional, persons in the front seat seem to magically forget there is someone behind them. Maybe it’s because I’m not tall enough to be seen in the rear view mirror. (Just kidding, I hope.) Conversations start off as an ABC round-about, but they eventually turn to AB with C nodding to the music coming from the back speakers.

And let’s discuss the music. Most people I know use the fade control to move the weight of the sound to the backseat. I do it too, but what does that mean to the hobbit riding in the back? It means the driver’s gesture of “turning down the music so everyone can hear” only works for Driver A and Passenger B. Hobbit C can still hear the music but not the people speaking in the front seats.

Once three of my friends and I decided to take a trip from Nashville to Gatlinburg. It’s a beautiful drive, and there would be many laughs along the way. With less than an hour to leave another friend decided to join us. She is a great gal, and we were happy to have her on our adventure, but where did that put me? I was already in the backseat, and there was no hope for promotion.

As it were, the co-pilot was demoted due to the aforementioned car-sickness alibi of passenger number five. My DNA determined my newest seat assignment. I would ride in the middle. Unfortunately for me, the backseat wasn't a flat bench. The middle section was narrow and slightly elevated.

For once I was the one with my knees bent up to my chest for almost four hours. I tried stretching my legs out onto the armrest in front of me, but that got in the way of the only two comfortable passengers. It took half a day for the feeling in my bum to return, but I’d do it again. Never have I laughed so much on a trip. We found that there are song lyrics for every occasion and every conversation. The conversation maintained a nice flow and the music was accompanied by five enthusiastic voices. We perfected the art of speaking in song titles and lyrics. Whose Line is it Anyway had nothing on us.

We still laugh about that trip. Maybe someday I’ll find myself on another road trip with a group of friends, and maybe I’ll finally own a grown-up sized car, so I can drive- in the front seat

(teeheehee... And don't you LOVE the silly photo of the cow in the car. You can find anything online!)

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page!