Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tiny Treasure Boxes

Yesterday Caitie and I decided to spread some love and encouragement. We had purchased several tiny, acrylic boxes from The Container Store a while back, and it was time to put them to good use. We also had a bunch of small, blank price tags.

Caitie spent Friday night with me as the beginning of a long TaterBugDay. After catching a $1.50 movie, we went home to look up and type out messages for our little boxes. 

Here are a few examples of what we put inside.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”   
Joshua 1:9

Listen to the mustn’ts child, listen to the don’ts, listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen child.  Anything can be.  – Shel Silverstein

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. God  (Jeremiah 29:13)

There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.  _ Jane Austen
What do you call a fluffy psychic?  A four chin teller. 
According to God, we are here to love. Not much else really matters. Francis Chan (Crazy Love)

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. - God   (Jeremiah 31:3)

What does a nosy pepper do?  Gets jalapeno business!

It was our hope that someone would open a box, or see a hanging tag, and receive a bit of encouragement or maybe a giggle.  

Don't you love tiny surprises? *SMILE*

I really hope it isn't illegal to hang anything on a fire hydrant!

We placed the boxes on benches, steps, windowsills...

and newspaper dispensers.

And we hung tags from fencing, benches, and signs.

While we noticed several boxes had been taken, this is the only person we saw find one of our boxes. He read it and seemed to ponder what was written. Then he carefully folded the paper and replaced it in the box. (You'll notice there is another, purple, box on the light pole in front of the man. It was about four feet down the sidewalk from him, and he didn't see it.)

He looked at the box for quite some time after he had replaced the paper. A few minutes later he set the box back on the ledge and left. The message in this box was Zephaniah 3:17 (The Lord your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love.)

Apparently I'm kind of fascinated with hydrants. (Remember the one below from my photos of Nashville? That hydrant had character!)

We were a little dismayed to find how difficult it was to give away good cheer. Most people didn't notice our little treasures, and several of those who did notice walked on by. A few even touched the boxes, but they didn't open them. One little girl noticed the box on the newspaper stand and asked, "OH! What's that?" To which her mother replied, "Don't touch it!"

How sad. 

At what point do we allow our curiosity to fade away? I'm holding on to mine with a firm grip. I love a sense of wonder, and I don't want to let it slip away.

As the day proceeded, it grew uncomfortably hot and humid. We decided to go into the library for relief. We ended up leaving several boxes on tables, chairs, and on the racks. I hope someone enjoyed finding one or two. More than that, I hope someone was inspired to spread a little happy of their own in a creative way!

Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you've seen then give my page a "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook, and subscribe on the right. Feel free to pin and share via the widget to the left. I'd also love to hear from you, so leave a comment or send me an email.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Problem With Pinterest

I know someone just read the button and shouted, "Amen!" Now don't get me wrong. I love me a healthy dose of Pinterest. Of course, I'm not sure there is such a thing as a "healthy dose" when it comes to Pinterest. I have to be careful not to log-on too often because I know I am liable to fall into a black hole of craftiness. And I would like to state for the record that I AM NOT AT ALL BITTER about the fact that I am not the one who came up with Pinterest. 

Now that I've established my affection to this ingenious website, I can get on with an area of discontent. How many times have you run into the issue in the button? 

I recently ran across a pin that claimed it only takes $5.00 and 30 minutes to make adorable, chairs. The chairs came from all new materials - nothing recycled.  That project may only cost $5.00 if all you have to buy is the paint! And while the directions are quite simple, you would have to be Ty Pennington to complete the project in 30 minutes or less, especially with sanding and painting. I'm a pretty handy, crafty girl, and I couldn't do it in that time frame. 

So what was that pinner thinking? Were they hoping they would get more pins if they fudge the facts? Does it make them look smarter if the rest of us can't accomplish the results as cheaply and timely as they? I don't know. 

Still, the chairs were pretty cool. I've decided to bookmark the page for a day when I have an extra hour or two and more than a $5.00 in my pocket. 

Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you've seen then give my page a "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook, and subscribe on the right. Feel free to pin and share via the widget to the left. I'd also love to hear from you, so leave a comment or send me an email

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sparking Creativity

I want to introduce a new blog series I've been stirring around. It combines photos with everyday things and places that inspire me creatively, like the typewriter above. It will give me a chance to practice my photography skills while I glean ideas from everyday life. I'm hoping to post weekly, and maybe the photos will get better as I go along.

One thing that inspires me is a flea market. It is exciting to see past an item on a shelf, and envision what it can be. Sometimes I wonder about the life of an object.

Whether it's a re-purposing project, or a decorating idea, flea markets and thrift stores are treasure hunts for me. Here are a few things that have caught my eye recently.

I'm a  sucker for a cabinet with lots of drawers.

 Who doesn't like frying pans filled with knobs...

and trays with more knobs?

These bowls have stories.

Tiny jars have much potential. 
They can hold homemade glosses, bath salts, and salves.

Such character in these old tins.

Quilts are one of my favorite things to find. Vintage quilts are a treasure indeed. 
Unfortunately they usually come with a hefty price.

One treasure I did score was four yards of this 60" poplin above. It's a bit quirky, and I love it. It combines everything I adore; shabby chic colors, toile, and a vintage feel. The SHAZAM moment was when I learned the original price was $25/yard. I got four yards for $7.00!

So where do you find creative inspiration? Do tell!

Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you've seen then give my page a "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook, and subscribe on the right. Feel free to pin and share via the widget to the left. I'd also love to hear from you, so leave a comment or send me an email