Sunday, August 25, 2013

Psalm 46:10

Recently my friend Jennifer mentioned the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10 on her blog. It was another reminder that I truly need to stop letting so many things get in the way of spending time with my beautiful LORD. 

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Mod Podge a Paper Copy of a Fabric Print (Sparking Creativity)

Good heavens. It's been two months since I introduced the Sparking Creativity feature. Oops.

It all started with a trip to a flea market where I found this dandy fabric. It's a a 60" poplin called French Fox, and it runs $25/yard. I paid $7 for four yards! That said, I still don't know what I'm going to use it for, but it did give me a spark of an idea.

I printed a copy of the pattern from the internet, Mod Podged it onto a chipboard letter, and placed it inside an empty frame. The outer edges were covered with a contrasting paper to pop against the blue wall of my office. I think it's adorable. Now to come up with a fab idea for the actual fabric.

Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you've seen then "like" my page creative confetti (website)  on Facebook, and subscribe on the right. Feel free to pin and share via the green widget to the left. I'd also love to hear from you, so leave a comment or send me an email.

Friday, August 2, 2013

I am pleased to be featured as a guest blogger on A More Organized Life

Click on the link below to see how easy it is to create an organized art station, and be sure to poke around Jennifer's blog to get other great tips for everyday life.