Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun, Food, & Friends

I had a fun, full weekend. Friday night I went to dinner with my friends Tammy & Rhonda. It was Tam's birthday, and we met at Wild Noodles in Cool Springs. We really enjoy Wild Noodles. Sadly they will be closing in about three weeks. This is quite disappointing as the food is delicious and the atmosphere is delightful.

Afterward we went to see Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. This documentary by Ben Stein is about Intelligent Design and the conspiracy to prevent ID from being discussed in scientific circles. It was extremely interesting.

Saturday I made spaghetti sauce for dinner at Stacy's house. It has become a weekly date for Stacy, Melissa, and I to get together on Saturday for dinner and tv. It's good fun.

Sunday was busy as usual. After church I was invited to eat lunch with the Mills (parents) & Wagner families. I really like this group of folks and enjoyed the fellowship in the "mafia booth" at Santa Fe. We're not sure why our server gave us that name.

Lunch was running late and I had to be in Cool Springs by 2:00 so I had to stuff down my salad as fast as I could. Anyone who know me realizes what an effort that is for me. I am a slow eater. Eating quickly is not fun for me or my tummy. Eating quickly would have been welcomed. Instead, I practically inhaled my food.

By the time I left the restaurant I had 20 minutes to get to Cool Springs. I would be late but not too badly. I was going to see Dyllan play Mushu in his middle school production of Mulan. However, 2 overturned tractor trailers on I-65 further delayed my progress .

Almost an hour after leaving the restaurant I made it to the musical. I had only missed the first 2 scenes. Thankfully Mike & Missy had saved a seat for me. Dyllan was a huge hit. People were asking Mike & Missy if the little dragon was their son and saying how much they enjoyed his performance.

It was a good weekend. Good friends, good food, and good fun. I am truly blessed.

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