Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here are some leftovers from previous photo outings.

The Steam Plant at the Clover Bottom Development Center.

Apparently I am drawn to rust and peeling pain. Especially in the form of windows and poles. This window is on 9th behind Christ Church Cathedral.

Another window. The next two are located at Clover Bottom
This is my favorite rusty, peeling window.
Yep. You guessed it. Clover Bottom again.

Back to Christ Church Cathedral on 9th and Broad. The next two poles are behind the church.

This pole is located across the street from LifeWay. The colors of the rust are amazing.
A closer view from another side.

This is a small, square door to a crawl space at the old Dodson Elementary School.

Looking straight up a column on the Baptist Sunday School Board building.
Part of the statue between the Parthenon and the lake at Centennial Park.

A park bench near the Hermitage library branch.

(Here is the original color. Blech! Don't you think they should be painted charcoal or black?)

I hope you liked the photos. I know I've always enjoyed leftovers.


  1. the photos look awsome, Why arent you doing this as a professional, God has given you the talent, I am amzed of what you see when you take a picture i want to see more

  2. Girl these are not leftovers they are amazing!

  3. Thanks T!! I love your pics too, by the way!!

  4. LOVED the photos! LOVEEEEED them! You are a gifted artist! Teach me.

  5. T, I recognize those places! You captured the autumn colors beautifully and I really like the b & w of the park bench--great perspective.
