Monday, September 27, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

My friend Heather sent a link for adorable pumpkins made from coffee filters. You can find the link here. The pumpkins are quite cute, but rather small. I think I will make them as place card holders for Thanksgiving dinner. Won't that be cute!

I started thinking about all the fabric I have in storage, and decided to go shopping through my own goodies. I just love that kind of shopping - it's FREE!

The large pumpkins are made from a circle with a 20" diameter. The small pumpkins are made from a circle with a 14" diameter. And there was total cheating with the circle cutting. I took the face off an oscillating fan, laid it on my fabric and cut about an inch away from the edge, ending up with a 20" circle.

The small circles were cut using the same method above but with a large serving plate. You get an idea of the size you end with if you look at the pumpkin sitting atop the teacup.

If you want I can take pictures of the next pumpkin in process and post a tutorial. That would be so exciting. It would be my first tutorial!


  1. Do I want more pictures and a tutorial???? What do you think??? :-DDD Those are just too totally cute. I haven't decorated for fall in YEARS, but finally picked up a few sale items the other day and am looking forward to getting some things up this week. Sounds like this would be a good project for the kids and I to work on in celebration of the cooler weather!
