Saturday, June 30, 2012

focused on Glory (answering a call)


Was that too much? Too many exclamation marks? I don't think so. In fact, I think I will add a few more. 


Even that isn't enough, but I should continue with this post. I've fulfilled the photo requirement for foG, and now I'll tell you a small bit about how this image represents God's glory.

This is part of the Wagner family.  Andy and Katie were missing because they were out of state. :(   But I did get to see Ken, Tammi, and Melonie during my trip home to Nashville, and it did my heart good to spend time with them.

Ken and Tammi are fun loving, fall-on-the-floor-and-spit-out-your-drink-funny! They. make. me. smile. They can evoke a smile in me even when their hearts are heavy, and they've been carrying a pretty hefty payload lately. The reason can be found in their impenetrable faith- a faith they have worked to pass on to their children and those they encounter.

And speaking of their children, let me introduce you to Melonie. She is 19 and has just completed her freshman year of college. She is extraordinary, and I adore this young woman. We became close when I worked with the student ministry in Nashville. I had the honor of being a Bible study teacher for Melonie and several other fabulous girls. Now Melonie is teaching me.

As I write this, she is in Kenya on a mission trip with International Sports Federation. I can't wait to hear about her experiences when she returns. It's a life changing trip, and I'm excited to see how it grows her. She truly lives for His glory.

While I was in Nashville Melonie told me she was speaking to the students at church, so I went to hear what she had to say. She spoke of how her relationship with Christ had grown over her year at university. She stressed the importance of having a daily study/worship time with God. 

It was during a one-on-one moment with God when she prayed a six word prayer that led to new revelations and new continents. She opened her heart and mind and said, "Wreck my world. I am yours."

Wow! What a great concept. Total abandon for what could be expected.

She also reminded us (ME) to pray big... something I had forgotten as of late. I appreciated that little kick in the faith.

Father God, thank you for Melonie and her desire to know You more. Pour Yourself in and through her as she follows Your plan. Draw her near and bless her faithfulness LORD. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

focused on Glory (in good times)

It seems easy to focus on God's glory when things are going well. But how often do we actually stop to take focus? I know I don't always, but this week has been really good so far, and I've been trying to reconcile it all to His glory. Nothing happens without His prior knowledge, therefore it must all tie to His glory if we allow it to. Sometimes there are things that happen that make us want to lash out and accuse. Other times bring so much happiness that we forget that those moments are also part of His purpose.

This week I sold three of my Razorback canvases, and I have an order for two more. It's a slow start, but I'm thrilled. I also got to spend the entire day with my sister yesterday. That was the best! Unfortunately I had forgotten to take an inhaler, so that meant we had to keep ourselves  in check as much as possible. Mary + Me= LAUGHTER) ( Which also equals an inhaler!)

We went shopping and spent very little, but we had SO. MUCH. FUN! Then we went bowling at the LRAFB. There was fabulous 50's music playing, and we knew all the words to the songs. There was also dancing as we bowled, with little regard as to the stares of those around us, and I almost dropped my pink bowling ball on Mary's foot because we were laughing. For the last game, I dragged the ball ramp over to our lane for Mary to use. She was having issues with her ball. It was grouchy and wouldn't cooperate. That last game was a hoot too because I bowled the whole thing left handed! (One more thing. We realized that the lady behind the counter didn't put anyone on either side of our lane.)

We also had time to talk about a few things that were on our hearts. I told her about a situation in which I am having a hard time praying about something, but that I need to be disciplined to do it anyway. She listened and agreed to pray too.

What a good day. Thank you Lord. 

She let me take a few photos of her before we left for the day. 
Isn't she lovely. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

focused on Glory (when glory fades)

My sister bought a bouquet of roses for Mama on Mother's Day. They were lovely, and Mama enjoyed them for many days, but the flowers sat in the vase until they had died and dried. A couple of days ago she pointed to the flowers and said, "Look at how sweet the roses look. It's as if they are bowing their heads in prayer." What an adorable thought.

She was right. They do look as if they are bowing in humility, and why shouldn't they? It's as if nature itself knows its creator and pays homage to the glory created. I think the roses are as beautiful now as they were when they were fresh and dewy. What do you think?

Be sure to check out Jennifer's BLOG if you haven't stopped by in a while. Oddly enough, I'm not the only one remiss with posting lately. It seems that Jennifer, Kecia, Angie, and I have all been a little lax as of late, but we're trying. (You can also link to Kecia and Angie above.) Maybe we should start a blogging accountability group. hahaha

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