Friday, September 14, 2012

Candelabra Cake Stand (tutorial)

Hi guys. It's time for another fun crafty craft, and in keeping with tradition it will be a thrifty project.

I found a simple, brass candelabra at a local thrift store. It was $2.99.


Of course I couldn't leave it the way I found it. The first thing I did (after cleaning off the thrift store stickiness) was remove the
two candle holders from each arm. 

After unscrewing the cups, I glued the drip plates to the arm. They were previously held in place by the cups. Once again I use Beacon's Glass Metal and More (I love that stuff). Then I took one of the cups and added it to the middle holder for extra height.  

Now here's the part I don't like... at all. I had to wait for the glue to dry. 

I don't like waiting for glue to dry. As I've said before- that's what blow dryers are for. (If only a blow dryer could have worked on this project. It would have heated the metal and kept the glue melted.) The top candle holder cup was filled with glue, and when the extra cup was added it sealed out the air. That meant a drying time of about 47 years.

I lasted about four days before I came up with an alternative plan. I added a few drops of Gorilla Glue to hold the cup in place, and I put the whole thing in the fridge for a day. I had to take a shelf out of Matilda Maytag to make room, but  it worked. The brass got cold, and the glue finally set. 

Next I went to the garage to my box of mis-matched, thrift store plates. I decided on the adorable plates below and based my paint color on the design. I only had two, so I found a scalloped edged plate for the center.

These fabulous retro plates were 25¢ each. I think they are so swell! The design has uber-thin gray and yellow lines, so I decided to use some leftover yellow, Rustoleum spray paint. That brings my total to $3.74 plus tax!

And voilĂ . Here is the finished product all dressed up for Fall. And what could be better than a stack of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies? THREE stacks of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies!

In case you're wondering if the middle plate is crooked- it is. Have I mentioned that I hate waiting for glue to dry? Anyway, I took the cookies off after the photo so it wouldn't stay lop-sided.

Thank you for visiting creative confetti!  Please take a moment to "like" creative confetti (website) on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter or Pinterest. And I'd love to hear from you via the comment section or the email option on my profile page! 


  1. Cute! Love the little retro plates. <3 And I had to laugh about the crooked much what I would do!

  2. I love this idea.. and I love how you present your posts.. easy and fun to read and great pictures! Thank you for sharing

  3. Jennifer- I knew you would like the retro plates. :)

    Michelle- THANK YOU! What a sweet compliment. I'm so happy you are enjoying the posts.

  4. Adorable. Great job
