God is speaking to me. And I am hearing Him! That alone is cause for my delight. However, He has decided to heap peace on me in the midst of disturbance, bringing about further delight.
I've been praying for God to reposition my life, and I can see it coming. What I didn't expect was the repositioning of others in my life. While I am saddened by some of the changes, I am also excited to see His hand in motion. I am excited to see that He is including me in this whirlwind of change. Change is good, but it can be painful as well. I trust God, and I'm banking on the joy to outweigh the discomfort. And that, my dear friends, delights my soul.
Delight makes it easy to put all your eggs in God's basket. Delight makes it easy to overlook all the tiny injustices we experience each day. When others see the delight it is bound to have an effect on their lives.
The word delight is mentioned in the Bible many times (depending on the translation). These are the numbers of times I found delight listed on http://www.biblegateway.com/;
NASB - 103
NLT - 73
KJV - 82
NIV - 107
HCSB - 98
The point is that God has a lot to say about delight. Many times we are reminded to delight in the Lord. We are also told to find delight in one another. However, I am most encouraged with God's delight in me. Zephaniah 3:17 and Psalm 18:19 tell us that God delights in us. And in Deuteronomy 30:9 God tells us that He delights in our prosperity! Wow! How's that for encouraging?
I'd love to tell you all the ways God has encouraged me in the last week, but it would take too long. I will share with you a couple of ways He has loved on me.
One day last week, within a 24 hour period, I had five friends tell me the EXACT same thing about an issue I've been praying over. These friends are spread over three states and none of them know each other. The nutshell version is that they told me to trust God because His plans are bigger than my own. My Bible study that day was also about trusting God because His plans are bigger than my own. Wow, wow, and WOW!
I was delighted by this when I walked out my front door this morning.

Also, God has given me a lot of laughter lately. I have mentioned several times how I like to laugh and being able to laugh in difficult times is a sweet gift.
Saturday night I sat and laughed with my friend Stacy until I could no longer breathe. And no, that isn't an exaggeration as most of you know. Apparently I have a problem (most people call it asthma) that causes me to get extremely congested when I laugh hard. If I laugh really hard I completely hyperventilate - and get congested. My friends are used to it, but it freaks out people who haven't witnessed it before.
Then today I was reading another friend's blog and actually fell out of my chair from laughter. I landed in a squatting position next to my desk. Who knew a dead cat could be so stinking hilarious. Actually, it was outlandishly disgusting and funny. I wheezed for an hour after I read the blog.
I just realized that I wrote that I am thankful for a dead cat and attributed it to God's delight for me. That alone is enough to bring about an eruption of giggles.
Oh God I love you so much. I trust you Lord. I'm excited for what You have in store for my friends and me.
This post made me laugh and cry all at the same time in a way that only my dearest friends can do. You have no idea what a blessing it has been to see what God is doing in your life lately! Thank you for letting me share in that!!
I still am amazed at how God brought us together in friendship. I believe he has a wonderful sense of humor. Who would have thought that an outgoing, creative being like yourself would be friends with an outgoing person of routine like me. You are a blessing in so many ways to our family. We love you!!!!
Tina Jo
ps - you are the only one who calls me that, Tauna Marie!! You are our family!!!!
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